Committed To Reducing Costs To Clients
We are further reducing our maintenance plan fees to clients, in line with our committment to client service.
Maintenance Plans
As many of you will already know, MobiusMBL often addresses client issues at no cost to clients, more often than not, spending some time on the issue.
It has always been a deliberate policy of MobiusMBL to NOT charge fees for a lot of the work we do (as much as possible that is), regarding this as a service to clients. Generally , all it has taken was a phone call or an email, to have something resolved, and we were on to it almost immediately.
Unfortunately though, with the greater number of clients, this is taking up a considerable amount of our time.
This is a real dilemma for us, as we are committed to our philosophy of delivering real customer service and to NOT charging fees (in the main).
We think we have reached a compromise, where we have reduced our maintenance charges by applying a sliding discount percentage depending on the number of hours invoved.
We will still attempt to NOT charge fees where possible, but for that work which will take a number of hours to complete, we don't seem to have any alternative except to 'go by the book' and use the maintenance plan approach.
At this stage, this is not hard-and-fast, so dont hesitate to continue as in the past, where an email or phone call is the order of the day.
If it looks like being a time-consuming issue, we can discuss it at the time.
More Information On Maintenance Fees
More general information on maintenance fees can be found here.
This Change Does NOT Affect Software Bugs
Software glitches, or other issues which are out of the control of clients, will as always, NOT incur any cost to clients to have investigated and rectified.
The determination of whether an issue is a software bug or not will be at the discretion of MobiusMBL, but enough of our clients already know that our integrity is such that we will always be open about this.
Often, clients suspect a bug in the software because it does not operate in exactly the manner they expected. Sometimes this may be the result of a genuine software bug, but in many cases, it is simply the way the software has been designed or implemented.