Internet Marketing - Be Visible
If Customers Cant Find You, You May As Well Not Be Here
Internet marketing & SEM (Search Engine Marketing), is vital for all websites and businesses today.
It's a 24/7 world, we all know that. I have bought goods on line at 3:00 am on a Sunday morning, and had them in my hands by Wednesday.
More and more goods & services are being purchased online than ever before, and there are more and more sites available to make these purchases.
Customers are not going to spend ages searching for your particular site, so that they can buy your particular goods and services........ there are sites everyehere to buy these goods and services. It is not simply a question of "Build it and they will come", neither is it a question of having a spectular looking website.
Your site must be easy to find. Welcome to the world of Internet Marketing.
MobiusMBL will assist you in developing and executing various strategies to help your achieve your internet marketing goals, these strategies including, but not limited to:
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - the effective use of keywords and phrases, trgeted at your market, and focused on your website content
- Social Media Marketing (SMM) - the effective use of Twitter, Facebook etc
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – targeting a qualified market, to lead them to your site
- E-mail advertising – the effective use of cost effective and targeted e-mail, and newsletter mail-outs
Social interaction, Search Engine Optimisation, in fact, all of the above, go hand-in-hand - they are complimentary to each other. You want better search rankings, you want visitors to your site, you want sales of your goods and services, or if not in the business of selling, you want to deliver inforamtion to your market base.
Google is your friend...... but it is getting more sophisticated for developers to tell Google that your site is better than others, and that it should be higher in the list.
It used to be as simple as stuffing keywords in to the site pages, and getting links all over the place. Not any more! Google is now rewarding sites which are verified, have good content, have all the correct link structures built in, etc.... and this is all getting very complicated.
MobiusMBL as your developer, can take all this complication away from you, and build it into your site. (which is not to say that we guarantee that you will be No 1 on Google in a matter of days. Simple fact is that you won't --- Google is 'organic' meaning that it is a slow grower)
But even so, there are many things that we can do to help push things along.
- Good content
- Good links
- Good research.
- Good competition analysis
- Good selection of key words & phrases.
This is just the start...... but there is a final word of warning.
If you currently have a website, or if MobiusMBL develops one for you, you will definitely be getting emails from SEO companies who wil say all the right things.
They will tell you that they can guarantee that you will be on the first page of Google in a matter of days. They will charge for this service of course.
And they may even be able to deliver the goods, so why wouldn't you continue to use them?
Caveat Emptor!!!!!!!!!! Let the buyer beware. You should really read the following section.
I am not saying that these companies are not what they say they are..... but I am very definitely saying that you should beware.... there are an awful lot of.... well.......... people out there who will..... lets say, not be all they appear to be.
My advice to you is to do your research. Talk to people you know and trust. Talk to MobiusMBL if you like.... talk to anyone.... before committing to something that you may well regret.
One trick of some SEO companies (note.. not all.. there are some very good SEO companies out there!), is that they will set up a PPC (Pay Per Click), or AdWords campaign, using the fees which they have charged you. These campaigns are very effective.... you will see results quickly.
However, when the price for the clicks increases, and they increase their rates to you, and you decide not to go with the increase...... well then..... the campaigns stop, and your ranking falls like a bullet. I have seen this so many times.
So Does MobiusMBL Do SEO?
In a word..... No.
Now.... doesnt that very definitely contradict everything said above, about the great things MobiusMBL can help you with?
In a word..... No.
The key phrase here is "MobiusMBL can help you with".
Sure, we do know, certainly not all, but definitely a lot about SEO and other internet marketing strategies. More than enough to give you sound professional and relevant advice.
- We DO certainly attend to all the required SEO and SEM functions up front when developing your website.
- We DO make it SEO friendly
- We DO attend to all the technical stuff in this area like headings, alt tags etc,
- We DO submit sitemaps to the main search engines (Google & Bing)
- And a lot more besides
- We WILL get you recognised by Google in a fairly short time period.
But we chose NOT to present ourselves as an SEO company. Why???? Simply because we know that we, (and indeed everyone else who says they can), simply cannot guarantee that your wbsite SEO will definitely get you to the top and keep you there.
SEO is simple.... but it is expensive. This is because it is very time-consuming (for a business which is dedicated to it). It needs to be constantly monitored and tweaked, and as mentioned above, the results are not guaranteed (for too many reasons to go into here).
So Where Does That Leave Me The Customer?
The 64 million dollar question.
You are by now wondering what you can do. You know you need to be in a good position with Google, so what do you do about it?
You do it yourself! (if you really want though, MobiusMBL can do it for you....... )
As mentioned above, SEO is simple. For a company committed to it, with many clients, just the SEO work, will take up all of the working hours in the day (depending on the number of clients). So for MobiusMBL, we wouldn't have time to do our other work like IT consulting, web design, networking, business process analysis, etc.
For you though, is is a lot simpler, and less time-consuming.
MobiusMBL will do all your initial stuff related to this area (and you will not be charged for it... we will do it for free.... this is a service provided to all our cients).
After that, we will give you advice on how you can further develop your SEO.
Too much detail to go into here, but suffice to say that you will be adequately equipped to keep your site fresh and relevant.